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Краткое содержание работы
Задача 1. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, используя официальные выражения: 1. С сожалением сообщаю ... 2. Я надеюсь, что наше сотрудничество будет успешным. 3. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если Вам потребуется помощь. 4. Я был бы Вам ...

Задание / Часть работы

Задача 1.
Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, используя официальные выражения:
1. С сожалением сообщаю ...
2. Я надеюсь, что наше сотрудничество будет успешным.
3. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если Вам потребуется помощь.
4. Я был бы Вам очень благодарен, если бы Вы позволили мне посетить Вашу фирму.
5. Благодарю за Ваше любезное приглашение, но я не могу посетить Вашу фирму из-за большой занятости по работе.

Задача 2.
А. Дополнить текст словами: bald, beard, blue, casually, early, ears, fair, glasses, good-looking, heavily, look, narrow, serious, smile, straight, strong, thin.
1. I'm in my … fifties.
2. I'm very tall and quite … built, but I have rather … shoulders.
3. I'm a little overweight.
4. I have … medium-length … hair, but I'm going … so there isn't a lot of it left.
5. I have a gray … and moustache.
6. My eyes are … and I wear …
7. I've got a rather long face, with a … chin, a big nose and a big …
8. I have … lips, and I usually have a … expression; but my face changes a lot when I …
9. I have a high forehead; I like to think that it looks intelligent.
10. Clothes are not very important tome, and I'm usually very … dressed.
11. I don't think I'm very … but I'm not all that bad-looking either …
12. I probably … a bit younger than lam.
В. Прочитать, выписать в словарь и выучить прилагательные, описывающие характер: ambitious, adventurous, easy-going, imaginative, impatient, naughty, optimistic, polite, sad, selfish, sensible , sociable, talkative. Вставить в текст по смыслу пропущенные слова.
1. Не is … with his little sister.
2. They are a (an) … family and entertain a great deal.
3. They like new places, even if they are dangerous. They are … explorers.
4. He is … to get through high school in three years; so he works hard.
5. I never see her upset. She seems a (an) … person, because always take things as they are.
6. He's the habit of talking a great deal.
7. He loves to tell everybody what he's done and where he's been.
8. He is too.
9. The … child hit his baby sister.
10. I think, she is too … to do anything foolish.
11. A (an) …person put his own interests first.
12. A (an) …person always sees the bright side of things.
13. The …boy gave the lady his seat on the bus.
14. He has ideas like no one else's.
15. He can make up fairy stories.
16. He is extremely …
17. You fell … if your best friend goes away.

Задача 3.
Вам нужно спросить дорогу. Составьте пять коротких диалогов, используя слова и полезные выражения из колонок А и В.

concert hall
art gallery
town hall
local market

go straight on / ahead
turn right at the corner
turn left at the crossroad
turn the corner and go along
cross the street and take the bus
walk up to the traffic lights
take the first turn to the left
take the right fork in the road

Задача 4.
Восстановите свой словарный запас. К каждому слову подберите противоположное по смыслу слово (антоним). Запишите попарно слово и его антоним.
Agree, always, awake, beginning, buy, cheap, dark, dead, dirty, early, easy, empty, fast, female, find, first, generous, happy, heavy, high, honest, hot, indoors, intelligent, interesting, into, laugh, left, long, love, most, new, nice, north­east, optimistic, outside, pull, question, quiet, remember, safe, stop, strong, take off, tall, thin, top, true, up, upstairs, warm, wet, win, wrong, young.

Задача 5.
Прочитайте анкету, которую Вам предстоит заполнить в агентстве по трудоустройству. Переведите вопросы. В каждом разделе добавьте еще 1-2 вопроса.
interested in people?
Have you got …
a good memory?
а sense of humor?
Are you …
Can you …
speak any foreign languages?
Do you like …
working on your own?
taking responsibility?
Do you mind …
working long hours?
getting up early?
Would you rather …
work indoors or outdoors?
work in a big organization or a small one?
How important are these things to you?
(extremely / very / quite / not very / not at all)
a good salary?
comfortable working conditions?
a chance of promotion?

Задача 6.
Используя новые слова и выражения, переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. We wish to emphasize that we are holding you fully responsible for non-delivery of the cargo in questions.
2. Due to bad stowage 10% of the cartons were damaged and in very bad shape.
3. To repair the described damage the following cost have been calculated.
4. We refer for several tons of... which appear to have been included in the shipment in error.
5. This is the third time this mistake has occurred and we are far from satisfied with the service you offer.

Задача 7.
Используя новые слова и выражения, переведите предложения, связанные с подготовкой и подписанием контрактов:
1. With reference to our Order (Contract No589/79) of 30th July...
2. We trust that the delayed delivery of one part of the contract will not interrupt the harmonious business relationship which we have built up between our companies.
3. The initial contract will be for one year, subject to renewal by mutual agreement.
4. All disputes will be settled with reference to Japanese law, as our relative legal systems are different.
5. We are prepared to do business with you either on a consignment basis or by placing firm orders.

Задача 8.
Получить нужную информацию, задать вежливо вопрос можно по-разному.
You don’t know a caller’s name. (give)
Could you give me your name, please?
You aren’t sure of the name of the caller’s company. (repeat)
Would you repeat your company’s name, please?
You want to know where the caller is ringing from (tell)
Can you tell where you’re ringing from, please?
Задайте вопросы, используя could, would и can подобным образом.
1. You aren't sure who the caller wants to speak to (tell)
2. You want to know the caller's telephone number, (give)
3. You didn't hear the caller's address clearly, (repeat)
4. You aren't sure about your order's delivery date, (confirm)

Задача 9.
Используя новые слова, переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. You can count on a brisk turnover if prices are competitive and deliveries prompt.
2. We have seen your advertisement in last Sunday's Observer and would be grateful if you would let us have details of...
3. We would be glad to receive specifications of your new items, together with your current export price list and details of trade discounts.
4. If we place orders with you we shall have to insist on prompt delivery. Can you guarantee delivery within three weeks of receiving orders?
5. We would appreciate a sample of each of the items listed above.
6. Provided you can guarantee regular supplies and promise delivery within a fortnight of receiving our orders, we should have no trouble in marketing you products here.

Задача 10.
Выбрать пропущенное слово: account, bill, catalogue, freight, quote, pay, place и вставить в предложение по смыслу.
1. We've checked your quotation and we'd like to … an order now.
2. Can you … the item number from the … please?
3. Are you planning to … by chegue, or do you have a monthly …?
4. Yes, we'll enclose the … with the goods.
5. If you like, we can send them by air …
Тип работы:

Рейтинг: 5.0/2
200 руб. 100 руб.
  • Артикул:
  • Файл доступен для скачивания сразу после оплаты!

  • Год: 2014

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Все покупки на Рефератыч.рф абсолютно безопасны, автор получит деньги только в том случае если работа, была Вам полезна.

Мы гарантируем Вам низкие цены,
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Мы работаем

c 9:00 до 19:00
суббота с 10.00 до 16.00,
воскресенье — выходной


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