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ЭКЗАМЕН по дисциплине: «Английский язык» Билет №7
Краткое содержание работы
Задание I. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на времена английского глагола, неличные формы глагола (причастие I, II, инфинитив). 1. There has been a tendency in recent years to move away from the rigid distinction between macro...
Задание I. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на
времена английского глагола, неличные формы глагола (причастие I, II,
1. There has been a tendency in recent years to move away from the rigid distinction between macro- and microeconomics. 2. .She was reading a newspaper when the phone rang. 3. There are nation-wide schemes to encourage industrial investment. 4. We would like to extend our overdraft facilities. 5. The sales director claimed to have found three new customers. 6. Wage increases have helped (to) push up prices.
Задание II. Переведите текст.
these societies we find that the division of land among the families in
the village or tribe, the methods and times of planting and harvesting,
the selection of crops, and the way in which the produce is distributed
among the different groups are all based upon tradition. Year by year,
little is changed; indeed a change in working procedures may well be
regarded as an affront to memory of one’s ancestors or as an offence
against the gods. The basic economic problems do not arise as
problems to be discussed and argued about. They have all been decided
long ago. One follows the path that one was born to follow; a son
follows in the footsteps of his father and uses the same skills and
tools. A caste system provides a good example of the rigidity of a
traditional society. The production problems (i.e. What? and How?) are
solved by using land as it has always been used and the worker carrying
out the traditional skills according to his or her fixed place in social
structure. The distribution problem (i.e. For Whom?) is solved in a
similar manner. There will be time-honoured methods of sharing out the
produce of the harvest and hunt. The elders, the heads of families, the
women and the children will receive shares according to ancient custom.
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Размер: 13.9Kb
- Год: 2014
- Страниц: 4
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