Тесты по предмету английский язык


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Тесты по предмету английский язык

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Тесты по предмету английский язык

Задание / Часть работы

1. Pushkin, __ great Russian poet, was born in 1799.
a) a
b) the
c) an
d) –

2. He bought __ book yesterday. __ book was very interesting and funny.
a) a, The
b) the, A
c) the, The
d) a, A

3. __ earth is millions of kilometers from __ sun.
a) An, a
b) -, the
c) The, the
d) The, -

4. The boy threw __ (свой) pencil into the water.
a) her
b) their
c) hers
d) his

5. We must go to the __ medical center.
a) children’s
b) childrens’
c) childs’
d) child’s

6. All people consider their __ their second mothers.
a) mother-in-laws
b) mothers-in-law
c) mothers-in-laws
d) mother-in-law

7. Which book is __ (ваша)?
a) yours
b) your
c) you
d) you’s

8. I met __ (их) on the station.
a) their
b) their’s
c) they
d) them

9. My __ (старший) brother Peter is very ill.
a) elder
b) older
c) oldest
d) eldest

10. This book is __ than that one.
a) the most interesting
b) interestinger
c) more interesting
d) more interestinger

11. This is the __ way to the station.
a) shorter
b) most short
c) more short
d) shortest

12. Is there __ hope that he will recover?
a) some
b) any
c) no
d) every

13. There isn’t __ in the street.
a) somebody
b) nobody
c) anybody
d) everybody

14. There is __  (немного) butter in the fridge.
a) a little
b) a few
c) little
d) few

15. She plays __ virtuosic.
a)  in the piano
b) the piano
c) on the piano
d) of the piano

16. He was wet __ head __ foot.
a) from, till
b) of, to
c) of, till
d) from, to

17. I am busy __ my homework.
a) with
b) by
c) off
d) -

18. To this lesson I need a book __ History.
a) in
b) on
c) of
d) for

19. The decision depends __ my parents’ will.
a) of
b) for
c) in
d) on

20. He is interested __ doing this tomorrow.
a) on
b) of
c) by
d) in

21. He translated the article __ than she did.
a) easier
b) easiest
c) more easy
d) more easier

22. __ is he by profession?
a) Who
b) Which
c) What
d) How

23. Be __! Don’t cut yourself.
a) carefully
b) careful
c) careless
d) carelessly

24. I shall __ Institute in two years.
a) graduate
b) end
c) finish
d) complete

25. I am __ animals’ murder.
a) opposite
b) contrary to
c) pro and con
d) against

26. My friend helped me to __ this problem.
a) decide
b) solve
c) make up
d) determine

27. He has __ and excellent present to her.
a) made
b) make
c) did
d) done

28. This is the most __ thing that you have ever said.
a) importance
b) important
c) importantly
d) importing

29. I __ him a letter yesterday.
a) write
b) written
c) am writing
d) wrote

30. I __ you if you call me.
a) will help
b) help
c) am helping
d) have helped

31. He __ in the discussion yesterday.
a) take part
b) took part
c) takes part
d) has taken

32. They __ this question at the meeting right now.
a) are discussing
b) will discuss
c) discuss
d) have discussed

33. I __ already __ him a letter.
a) has, written
b) have, wrote
c) has, wrote
d) have, written
34. He refused to go to the theatre because he __ an examination in a few days.
a) have
b) will have
c) is having
d) had

35. Coal __ in many districts of our country.
a) is produced
b) is producing
c) produce
d) was produced

36. Our house __ of brick.
a) is building
b) was building
c) is built
d) was built

37. This house __already __ built.
a) have, been
b) has, been
c) has, being
d) have, being

38. I may go to this concert. I __ to do it.
a) was allowed
b) was able
c) had to
d) have to

39. __ him to come early.
a) Asking
b) To ask
c) Asked
d) Ask

40. I want __ him of her arrival.
a) to inform
b) inform
c) to informing
d) have informed

Тип работы: Тест

Рейтинг: 5.0/1
190 руб.
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  • Год: 2012

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