Контрольная работа. Вариант № 1


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Контрольная работа. Вариант № 1

Краткое содержание работы
I.​ Найдите русские эквиваленты английским конструкциям. 1.​ в соответствии с другими базисными условиями поставки 2.​ именуемая в дальнейшем 3.​ общая стоимость оборудования, запасных частей, инструмента 4.​ в комплектации 5.​ цены твердые и не подлежат

Задание / Часть работы

Контрольная работа. Вариант № 1

I.​ Найдите русские эквиваленты английским конструкциям.

1.​ в соответствии с другими базисными условиями поставки
2.​ именуемая в дальнейшем
3.​ общая стоимость оборудования, запасных частей, инструмента
4.​ в комплектации
5.​ цены твердые и не подлежат изменению
6.​ цены по позициям указаны в приложении I
7.​ заключили настоящий контракт о следующем
8.​ в полном соответствии

a)​ The prices per item are specified in Appendix 1
b)​ In full conformity with the technical characteristics
c)​ In accordance with other basic conditions of delivery
d)​ Hereinafter referred to as
e)​ The total value of the equipment, spare parts, tools
f)​ The prices are firm and subject to no alteration
g)​ In complete score of supply
h)​ Have concluded the present contract for the following

II.​ Переведите следующие статьи контракта на русский язык

The Parties shall co-operate and use their best efforts and good faith in the consummation of the barter, purchase and sale transactions contemplated by this agreement.
The Agreement
"The parties” agree to form an offshore company for the purpose of trading commodities between Russia and the rest of the world. The offshore company shall be responsible for procuring any commodity required by "The Purchaser” at prices most favorable to "The Purchaser”.
"The Purchaser” shall be responsible for acquiring raw materials commodities and technologies, which the offshore company will be required to sell at prices most favorable to "the Parties”.
Any of "the Parties” providing finance to the offshore company shall be entitled to the prime interest rate charged by Bank to its most favored customer plus four percent. As soon as the offshore company has finance available it must repay any loans provided by any of "The Parties” before it can declare a dividend. The offshore company shall not borrow money from any source other than from "The Parties” without one hundred percent agreement between "The Parties”.


IV.​ Перепишите письма и переведите их текст на русский язык.

Letter #1
V/O "Ross import” London, 15th Oct., 2004
Smolenskaya-Sennaya, 32/34,
Moscow, 200
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter of the 10th October for which we thank you.
Yours faithfully, C. Brown&Co., Ltd.

Letter #2
Messrs. Smith & Brown, Ltd.,
12 High Street,
London, E.C.2,
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter of the 4th May sent by air-mail and thank you for information you sent us.
Yours faithfully, V/O "Ross export”

Letter #3
Air Mail
V/O "Ross import”
Smolenskaya-Sennaya, 32/34,
Moscow, 200
Dear Sirs,
s.s. "Clyde”
In reply to your telegram of the 17th June we are glad to inform you that the s.s. "Clyde” will arrive in Liverpool on the 2nd July next.
Yours faithfully, a. White & Co.

Letter #4
Moscow, 16th August, 2003.
Dear Sirs,
M.V. "Neva”
We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your telegram of today’s date informing us of the sailing of the m.v. "Neva”.
Yours faithfully, …

V.​ Вставьте, где требуется, предлоги и переведите на русский язык.
1.​ We have received your letter … the 16th … October.
2.​ Our letter dated … the 5th May was sent … airmail.
3.​ We acknowledge receipt … your letter … the 15th … March, which we thank you.
4.​ The m.v. "Neva” will arrive … Odessa … the 23rd … December.
5.​ The s.s.”Erevan” arrived … Poti yesterday.

V. Переведите на руский язык и составьте диалог подобный данному.
Telephone conversation
- Is that Brown & Co.?
- You’ve got the wrong number. This is Central 6708.
- So sorry… Is this Brown & Co.?
- Yes, it is.
- I want Mr. Soames, please.
- I beg your pardon?
- Mr. Soames.
-​ Sorry, I didn’t quite catch the name. How do you spell it?
-​ Soames: S for Sam, O for Orange, A for Andrew, M for Mary, E for Edward and S for Sam – Soames.
-​ Oh, Soames. I’m sorry, Mr. Soames is away from the office at the moment. Who is calling?
-​ This is Mr. A. from the Russian Trade Delegation. When will Mr. Soames be back?
-​ He’ll be back at three o’clock. Will you leave a message?
-​ No, thanks. I’ll ring up again at half past three. Good-bye.
Тип работы: Контрольная работа

Рейтинг: 5.0/1
290 руб.
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  • Год: 2013
  • Страниц: 3

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