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Краткое содержание работы

Задание / Часть работы


Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (выберите Present Simple или Present Continuous).
Mr. Voronin usually 1.(to come) to the office at 9.3 in the morning. Every
morning he 2.(to look through) the mail. Now Voronin 3.(to sit) in the
comfortable armchair and 4.(to read) a newspaper. He 5.(to like) English
newspapers. Today he 6.(to have) only few letters on his desk. The engineers
7 (to come) to the office at 10.00. Now they 8.(to be) in the office and 9.(to
discuss) business matters. Stepanov 10.(to be) the director of the large
company. They 11.(to sell) different goods to many other companies. They 12
(to do) business with English companies too. Stepanov usually 13.(to discuss)
business with his customers. Now you 14.(to see) him in the office. He 15.(to
sit) at the table and 16 (to speak) on the phone. Mr. Bell’s secretary 17.(to
phone) him. They 18.(to make) an appointment for Friday.

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.
1 Mr. Bell isn’t at home now.
2 I receive the mail every day.
3 My parents like to stay at home in the evening.
4 I often speak on the phone with my friends after lunch.
5 My brother often goes to Paris on business.
6 The students are reading journals now.
7 No, I don’t go out in the evening.
8 Yes, I am speaking on the phone.
9 My husband is sitting on the sofa.
10 We receive much mail.

Переведите на английский язык.
1 Воронин сейчас обсуждает условия поставки с иностранными
2 Мы редко обедаем дома.
3 Что ты делаешь по вечерам?
4 Секретарь сейчас пишет письмо?
5 Кто говорит по-английски?
6 Господин Блейк сейчас занят?
7 Я бы хотел изучать Английский язык.
8 Обычно мой брат помогает своим друзьям.
9 Наши инженеры едут сейчас на заводы.
10 Что ты делаешь по субботам вечером?

Задание 4 Перепишите и переведите предложения, определите видовременные формы глаголов, укажите их инфинитив.
1 He has graduated from the Police Academy with specialization in crime
2 The police authorities have not made a mistake by taking George into the
detective division.
3 As a matter of fact George is a police officer with practical experience: he has
already served as a patrolman and has learned the work by experience.
4 This means that he has got practice in dealing with different police-citizen
5 He has certainly handled traffic violations and traffic accidents.
6 There is no more news about the famous Lanstable painting, Norfolk Sunset,
which was stolen last night from the National Gallery.
7 The painting, which is worth half a million pounds, was given to the gallery in
8 It hasn’t been found yet, and all airports and ports are being watched.
9 Cars and trucks are being searched.
10 A reward of 10,000 pounds has been offered for information.

Задание 5
Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола и подставьте в предложение. Предложения переведите.
1 You ____ feel relaxed after your holiday.
a) have to;
b) ought;
c) must;
2 They ____be tried. They’ve been traveling all night.
a) must;
b) can’t;
c) shouldn’t;
3 She _____ be Scottish with a surname like McKenzie.
a) ought;
b) is allowed;
c) must;
4 A driver ____ to take the test in English.
a) hasn’t;
b) needn’t;
c) doesn’t;
5 I think we will have to accept the notion that we ____ have total freedom in
a) need;
b) needn’t;

Задание 6 Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения выделенных слов.
1 A good criminalist never forgets to use a modern crime technique during
crime scene search.
2 He knows no people in this locality.
3 The searchers try not to disturb anything at the crime scene.
4 There is not one method of interrogation.
5 Nobody knows the number of that car.
We never have practice on Sundays.

Тип работы:

Рейтинг: 5.0/1
390 руб.
  • Артикул:
  • Файл доступен для скачивания сразу после оплаты!

  • Год: 2022
  • Страниц: 4

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c 9:00 до 19:00
суббота с 10.00 до 16.00,
воскресенье — выходной


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