Иностранный язык. Задание по промежуточной аттестации.


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Иностранный язык. Задание по промежуточной аттестации.

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Иностранный язык. Задание по промежуточной аттестации.

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 Are there any practical rules for healthy living? Very few. The formula for healthy life cannot be put into words, it can only be practiced. Some people break the so-called health every day and escape punishment and some look after their health and don't live any longer in the end. There are hardly any rules worth having but there are some principles which will help to counteract the harmful genes. These principles are: love in childhood. Love from parents. Another principle is healthy nutrition with all elements in proper proportion. Then comes control of environment: air, water and especially the new polluters. Remember, too, the animals, they have a right to share in the health we want for ourselves. Stresses are an essential part of being alive, but the art of life is to arrange rules that stress does not become strain. A healthy organism is extremely tough. It can withstand overwork, fatigue, anxiety, microbes up to a certain point, of course. A personal belief, the most important element in a healthy life, is some faith in life which mobilizes our faculties and makes the most of them. Perhaps these health principles seem too theoretical, but they are golden rules which can stretch our powers and help us in our fight against harmful genes. It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady. It is known that healthy people live longer and their career is more successful. To look well you must follow some simple rules: don’t smoke and take drugs, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat too much chips and sweets, eat more vegetables and fruits, sleep well, do exercises. All students at our university have two lessons of physical training once a week. They do exercises, run, jump, play basketball, ski in winter. I think that we must have more lessons of physical training than we have now. For example, American students have their PT lessons every day. I like to play tennis, to ride a bicycle and to swim. But most of all I like roller-skating. I could hardly wait when snow melted, I put on roller-skates and went outdoors. I spent one or two hours every day skating with my friends and we’ve got a lot of fun! I don’t smoke (nobody smokes in our family). I know that this very bad habit may cause serious problems in your health. I do my morning exercises, try to eat "healthy” food and think that this is really a good way to live.
Откройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени и переведите   предложения на русский язык. 1. SergeyisfromYshgorod, whichishundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) the ocean. He should come with us to Miami. 2. If you (to decide) about your diet, you (not to eat) wedding cake tomorrow. 3. He (to drink) some of the wine and (to eat) several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.  4. When Ann (to enter) the kitchen, she (to see) her mother (to stand) at the table and (to cut) some cabbage.She (to cook) dinner for all family. 5. What language you (to study) now? I (try) to learn English. I already (to remember) a lot of new words. Next year I (to be going) (to start to learn) French.
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